Guyer Wellness Group Center would like to help you look and feel years younger with hormone replacement therapy options. Hormonal balance is necessary for continuing good health as you age. Hormone replacement has been used successfully in the United States, Europe, and Australia as early as 1939.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Pellets Hormone Therapy
We recommend treatment using Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Pellets, which have shown remarkable results in both men and women without the side effects of synthetic drugs. Pellet therapy uses bio-identical, all-natural estrogen and testosterone, delivered by tiny pellets inserted just under your skin. These pellets serve as a storehouse of hormones which your body can access as needed. The pellets deliver a consistent level of hormones and outperform oral, patch, and cream delivery methods with fewer side effects.
How Can I Tell if My Hormones are Out of Balance?
How do you know if you are developing signs of hormonal decline? The bad news is most people will have symptoms. Only the earliest hormonal declines are with no symptoms, Most people will begin to develop symptoms slowly over time, so slowly that their progression at times are barely noticeable, and often gradually accepted as the normal and part of aging. Don’t accept this fate! If your hormones are out of balance, you will begin to experience signs and symptoms such as:
- Low Libido
- Fatigue
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Hair Thinning or Loss
- Hot Flashes
- Headaches
- Night or Day Sweats
- Mood Swings
- Palpitations
- Loss of Memory
- Weight Gain
- Depression
- Restless Sleep
- Foggy Brain
- Inability to Lose Weight
- Vaginal Dryness
- Breast Tenderness
- Muscle Pain
- Irritability
If you are experiencing 2 or more of these symptoms, this is a sign that your hormones may be out of balance. The longer and more severe the symptoms occur, the greater the imbalance and should not go unchecked. Hormone balance is vital to peak aging and optimized health.
Menopausal related hormone deficiencies start around 30 in most women. Disturbances can involve deficiencies to imbalances of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Anxiety and insomnia are often the first symptoms developing in the 30’s and often mistreated with xanax or ambien instead of progesterone.
The signs of menopause and related hormonal issues include:
- Weight gain
- Hot flashes & night sweats
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Memory loss
- Fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Premenstrual symptoms
- Vaginal dryness
Based upon symptoms, appropriate testing can confirm hormonal imbalances, and at Guyer Wellness Group we can recommend a course of therapy designed to bio-identically replace the deficiencies.
Guys, if you have noticed weight growing in the middle, diminished drive, diminished libido and sexual function, depression or mental dullness, any of these can be a symptom of hormonal deficiency. In men we call it andropause, and it usually implies a loss of testosterone. I will state here though that hormones act in symphony, se lack of any of them can contribute to your symptoms. Examples would be mild thyroid, growth hormone, or adrenal deficiencies. These commonly co-exist with testosterone deficiency syndrome. The signs of andropause and related hormonal issues include:
- Muscle loss
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems
- Night sweats in men
- Lower sex drive
- Irritability
- Depression
- Hair loss
- ED
- Urinary problems
- Memory loss
Based upon your symptoms Guyer Wellness Group can advise a series of blood and sometimes saliva tests, to evaluate your hormonal and health status. Guyer Wellness Group will give you a personalized prescription for more youth!
Adrenal Problems
The first thing to know about adrenal and cortisol is to forget all that you know from conventional medicine. Standard textbooks and regular physicians are clueless on the subject. I know because I almost wasted away with adrenal insufficiency under the eyes of a medical “specialist.” Traditional medical physicians can diagnose only at a very end stage problem, not any in their earlier symptomatic period.
The main deficiency is cortisol or the so called “stress hormone.” Cortisol levels can be too high or too low. The diagnosis is largely determined through salivary testing.
- Low Cortisol Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Weight loss
- High cortisol symptoms
- Weight gain especially abdominal
- Hunger
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Insomnia
What Does Your BHRT Program Include?
Our program is comprehensive and customized to your key hormone health needs.
At the heart of our customized program, you will receive: your prescribed pellets or custom blended bioidentical hormones, monthly in office clinical checks to ensure optimal results, essential nutraceuticals for hormone optimization, follow up blood work, clinical exam and results visit with our clinical wellness team.
Understanding that each person is different, you will go through our 5 step clinical process to build the solution that fits you.
- Clinical Exam: Based on your in depth clinical exam with the doctor, age, weight, comprehensive hormone blood profiles, medical history, lifestyle and environmental history plus 20 biomarkers, and your personal health goals, we will identify what is taking your body out of balance so you can correct the problem and optimize your hormones, health and life.
- Test not Guess: Hormones are powerful messengers and when it comes to giving you a real and lasting solution we test vs guess with your health. This is our promise that you can be guaranteed that we will measure all of your hormone markers AND all other body system markers that impact optimal hormone function. The results will tell us exactly how to create your unique prescription plan.
- Personalized Prescription Plan: Your exam, lab work and history will lay the groundwork for determining your goals and the right BHRT plan for you. You will then receive a monthly prescriptions of your unique compounded hormone solution. Whether you want to burn stubborn belly fat, improve mood or increase your libido, we have a customized hormone plan that will work for you.
- Detox: Did you know that food and environmental toxins drive hormonal responses in your body for the good or bad. In today’s world, your body is overloaded. To ensure optimal hormone balancing, you will go through our 14 day clinical hormone balancing detox. It will reduce inflammation, cleanse out endocrine disruptors, clean your liver for optimal hormone conversion, release weight, increase energy and optimize your body for renewed hormonal health.
- Empowerment: Did you know that STRESS ( Physical, Mental, Emotional, Chemical & Environmental) causes hormone imbalance, belly fat, mood imbalance, sleep dysregulation, cravings and more? Find out what is stressing you and what you can do about it so you can naturally optimize your hormones. Live Longer offers empowerment lifestyle coaching to our clients that need a bit of extra support to overcome stress for optimized hormonal health.
What Hormones Are Most Commonly Prescribed?
The goal of BHRT is to support the body and bring your hormones back into balance by aiming for age appropriate levels of hormones relative to each other. Our team will measure and replace as appropriate or needed the following hormones: cortisol, three estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid (T3 and T4), adrenal glandulars, melatonin and others. Any time we restore balance using the same chemicals as Mother Nature made, we are using Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy.
How Do I Get Started?
Call us to request your appointment today. If you are suffering from hormonal imbalance that we help, we will then move you into your exam and blood work process. After your results are back, you will meet with the doctor to review your findings and discuss your customized solution. If you are ready to feel your best, call us and schedule your complimentary consult today.